Can Dogs Eat Bananas?
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Bananas are a common and healthy treat for dogs, filled with vitamins and minerals. They are also a popular treat for humans.
However, it is important to consider how to safely serve bananas to your dog and the amount they can eat.
This will help ensure they have a balanced diet and can enjoy the fruits and vegetables they eat.
Are Bananas Good for Dogs?
Bananas are a nutritious fruit with high potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C content, making them a healthy alternative to fatty, salty treats.
They are also rich in fiber, which can help with gastrointestinal issues, and magnesium, which promotes bone growth and protein production.
However, they should be fed in moderation due to their high sugar content.
While bananas are safe for dogs to eat, smaller breeds like Chihuahuas and Yokies should consume smaller amounts to avoid stomach upset.
The recommended portions for dogs are small, meaning they may not provide much nutritional benefit. Therefore, bananas are safe for dogs to eat but not necessarily healthy.
How Much Banana Can Dogs Eat?
Bananas should only make up 10% of a dog’s diet, with the rest coming from a well-balanced dog food diet approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). A whole banana is too much for smaller or younger dogs.
Safe amounts of banana based on a dog’s weight include one to two slices for extra-small dogs (2-20 pounds), three slices for small dogs (21-30 pounds), six slices for medium dogs (31-50 pounds), a handful for large dogs (51-90 pounds), and up to half a banana for extra-large dogs (91+ pounds).
If a dog eats too much banana, they may experience symptoms of an upset stomach, including decreased appetite, fatigue, drinking less water, and licking their lips or objects.
If these symptoms worsen, take the dog to the vet immediately.
How To Feed Your Dog Bananas
To ensure your dog’s safety when feeding bananas, remove the peel, cut the banana into small pieces, and give them in moderation.
There are various ways to prepare banana treats, such as mashed bananas, mixing with yogurt or peanut butter, creating peanut butter banana ice cream, freezing bananas in a Kong, or combining coconut, oat flour, and banana for gluten-free treats.
Mashed bananas can be added to your dog’s food, frozen and mashed bananas can be put into a KONG toy, and even peanut butter can be added for an extra treat.
Cut the banana into small pieces and give them to your dog as small treats.
Blend frozen banana pieces with other dog-safe fruits, sugar-free plain yogurt, and bake a dog-friendly recipe with bananas, like peanut butter and banana dog cupcakes.
Can Puppies Eat Bananas?
Puppies can consume bananas in moderation, but it’s best to limit their intake to one new treat per day due to their developing immune system, as this helps identify the cause of any upset stomach issues in their developing body.
Can Dogs Be Allergic to Bananas?
An allergic reaction in a dog can be detected by exhibiting symptoms such as scratching, hair loss, stomach issues, swelling, swollen muzzle or eyes, sudden gasping, and rapid-onset diarrhea or vomiting. These are signs of anaphylaxis and require emergency care.
Common food allergies include chicken and beef, and knowing your dog’s allergies or reading the ingredient list can help identify if a new treat or food is causing allergic reactions.
If you have concerns about your dog’s reaction to food, consult your veterinarian.
Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels?

Banana peels are not toxic to dogs but can cause blockages and stomach upset. Overfeeding can cause stomach upset even without the peel. Consult your veterinarian for advice on the appropriate amount of bananas for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips or Dried Bananas?
Dried banana chips are not recommended for dogs due to potential water absorption, swelling, and obstruction. They may contain preservatives and high sugar or salt levels.
However, natural, unadded bananas can be eaten by dogs, provided they have no added additives. These chewy treats can be made at home in a dehydrator, but baking them can ruin their nutritional benefits.
Can Dogs Eat Banana Bread?
Banana bread is not recommended for dogs due to its toxic ingredients like raisins, xylitol, and nutmeg, high sugar content, and use of wheat flour.
These ingredients are toxic to dogs and can cause allergies or sensitivities. It is important to avoid feeding banana bread to dogs, as it contains high amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Can Dogs Eat Banana Pudding?
Banana pudding is not to be consumed. Pudding contains preservatives, a lot of sugar, and perhaps additional elements that are harmful to dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Frozen Bananas?
A frozen banana can be a healthy treat for dogs, especially during hot weather. However, it’s important to ensure the banana is peeled and not overfed. Additionally, it’s recommended to freeze a small portion of the banana to keep it cool and active during the summer.
This can be done by putting a small portion of the mashed banana or slices into a Kong or other stuffable toy, which can be used to keep the dog entertained.
Other Fruits to Offer Your Dog
Bananas are a nutritious and delicious treat for dogs, along with other safe fruits like apples, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, mango, and raspberries. Encouraging dogs to try new foods can boost their wellbeing and happiness.
Hidden foods in toys can make them more exciting. Eating food can be mentally stimulating, but be aware of which foods your dog can and cannot eat.
These enrichment activities have been proven to reduce destructive behaviors like chewing.
Can Dogs Eat Plantains?
Plantains, a closely related banana, can be eaten by dogs as long as it is cooked. It has less sugar than bananas and is starchier and firmer, making it hard to digest when raw.
Plantains offer benefits like fiber, vitamins, and minerals for dogs but should not be fed raw. The best way to cook plantains is by boiling them in plain water and slicing them into small chunks.
Baking can also be done, but without adding oil, sugar, or salt. Portion sizes should be small to prevent upset stomachs, and vets can provide a general guideline for cooked plantains.
Keep in mind that dogs may have different dietary needs than humans.
Final Thoughts
Bananas are a healthy and safe snack for dogs, but they contain fiber and natural sugar. To ensure your dog’s health, portion them appropriately, usually a slice or two at a time. If your dog hasn’t had bananas before, give them a small piece and monitor for a few days to avoid stomach upset or allergic reactions. Choose plain, raw, or frozen bananas for optimal nutrition.