Are Dobermans Good With Kids?
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Doberman Pinschers are great family dogs but are they the best for you and your family? If you have kids, a Doberman may or may not be the right dog for you.
Therefore, it is important that you do your research before you bring home a new dog or puppy. Because when it comes to Dobermans and kids, there are many pros and cons to consider.
The History of the Doberman
Louis Dobermann, a German man, developed the Doberman pinscher breed in the late 1800s. He kept a local dog pound full of stray dogs and needed a powerful dog for his tax collection duties. He knew a breeder who helped design an intimidating, smart, and loyal dog.
The Doberman Pinscher is believed to have been bred from the German Shepard, Rottweiler, Great Dane, English greyhound shorthaired shepherd, and an extinct German Pinscher. Originally used as guard dogs, dobermans are now used in the police, military, rescue, and therapy sectors.
Kids And Dobermans
Teaching your children how to behave around Dobermans is as important as training your dog. Kids need to understand how to respect and treat dogs because respect is a mutual thing.
Being rowdy, pulling your dog’s ears, tails, kicking, or even riding on their back can lead to an aggressive dog.
Children need to understand what behaviors are acceptable and what are absolutely off limits. Your doberman might intentionally or unintentionally hurt a child if treated poorly. If your children are too young to understand how to respect a Doberman or any dog, then it is best to wait until they are old enough to learn.
Are Dobermans Aggressive?
As we mentioned, the Doberman Pinscher was initially bred to serve as a tax collector’s guard dog, but because it is an intelligent, highly trainable, and loyal dog, it tends to be a favorite for police and military personnel.
Dobermans were employed by the Marine Corps as messengers and scouts during World War II but this is unfortunately why Dobermans have obtained a reputation for being aggressive.
Dobermans today are not as aggressive as they were originally bred to be, thanks to changes in recent breeds. However, dobermans can be aggressive with strangers from a protection standpoint, but they are not usually aggressive toward their owners. Dobermans want to protect their owners and if your dog thinks you are in danger, he will attack. But with the proper training and socialization, Dobermans can be taught to avoid aggressive behavior.
Are Dobermans Protective?

As mentioned above, the Doberman Pinscher is very protective when it comes to its owners. A doberman also considers the children in his family as part of the owner’s title. He knows children are valuable to the adult owners and is going to protect the children from threats as well.
A Doberman Pinscher’s protective instincts are highly developed, which makes this breed one of the best guard dogs. However, your Doberman may attack a friend or relative who gets to close to your child because he may get the impression that the person is dangerous or wants to cause harm to your child. Even if this friend or relative is in front of your child, loudly laughing and showing his teeth, it could trigger some kind of protective behavior in your dog.
It is important that you control your Doberman’s behavior as the alpha in the pack. Always introduce your friends and relatives to your doberman in order for him to understand that these people are also part of your pack.
Are Dobermans Affectionate?
Dobermans can be very affectionate pets, regardless of their reputation as aggressive guard dogs. This breed is people-oriented and shows affection by climbing into their owners laps, sleeping near their owners, or nuzzling them with their heads.
It is well known that your Doberman may only bond with one person as opposed to your entire family. Therefore, they need to spend time with each member of the family in the beginning in order to create that bond, especially the children.
Assigning your children caretaking tasks such as feeding, walking, and bathing is not only a good way to create this bond with all members of your family, but it is also a good way to teach your kids the responsibility of caring for another living creature.
Doberman Puppies And Children
The Doberman Pinscher Club of America warns that young children and Doberman puppies are not a good mix. If you have babies, toddlers or young school-age children, some argue that it is not a good idea to get a young Doberman puppy. Doberman puppies are very energetic and have a habit of using their teeth. Young children maybe scared of nipping puppies, while a puppy maybe frightened by loud, screaming, active children.
This can create problems and cause adults to discipline puppies for being puppies. In turn, it means a Doberman puppy can develop major behavior problems or grow up with no socialization, fearing kids and even adults.
However, some believe a Doberman puppy that can be raised alongside young kids is best so he can associate them with his own pack. It is important to teach your dog how to behave around your children, to ensure a safe and happy relationship between the both of them.
As discussed earlier, it you plan to get a Doberman Pinscher and you do have children, then they must be taught how to act around the dog. Teach your children how to properly handle your dog, how to behave and respect him, and other lessons like not to bother your dog while he is eating. Kids should always be supervised around a Doberman, especially younger children.
Final Thoughts
Doberman Pinschers are great with kids when they are properly socialized and trained. A trained Doberman will be sweet, loyal, and affectionate with your children when properly raised together. However, there are many things to consider when bringing home this breed of dog and the most important is being committed to training the dog and socializing it from a young age.