12 Large Dogs That Don’t Shed
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There is no such thing as a dog that never sheds but some dogs shed more than others. There are certain times of the year when dogs shed more but in the end, no one wants a home covered in dog hair. In addition to shedding hair, dog dander can create issues for people who may have allergies.
Believe it or not, there are large, non-shedding dogs out there that would make great additions to your household. In this article, we discuss low-shedding large dogs that you may consider taking into your family.
1. Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound hails from Afghanistan, where the original name for this breed was Tazi. The breed has long been thought to date back to the pre-Christian era
Although Afghan hounds are large dogs that don’t shed very much, this dog breed is far from low maintenance. The long silky coat, that covers the entire body of the Afghan dog, is like human hair which means it is constantly growing and therefore requires regular trips to the groomers.
Despite his regal appearance, he is known for his intense loyalty, sensitive nature, and absolute love for his owners and family. Afghan hounds were originally developed to hunt small game, due to them being very quick on their feet, and having very sharp eyesight to help them locate their quarry at a distance.
2. Vizsla

This breed was developed in Hungary to work as a pointer and retriever. Vizslas served as messenger dogs during World War I, but the privations of the era nearly put an end to the breed.
The Vizsla is a fine-looking dog with a silky short hair coat, long ears framing his chiseled face, and eyes that match the rich, copper tone of his coat. This breed’s grooming needs are basic, especially because he sheds only a little bit. A weekly brushing, occasional nail trims, regular cleaning of the ears, and brushing of his teeth are enough.
The Viszla craves love and attention, loves nothing more than being around his family and is the perfect dog breed for kids. All they want is to be loved by their people.
3. Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier, also called Bingley Terrier and Waterside Terrier, is a dog breed of the terrier type that originated in the valley of the River Aire in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. Like his Terrier relatives, the Airdale was bred for working and hunting but designed to be more agile and better at swimming.
The breed’s size, strength, and unflagging spirit have earned the Airedale Terrier the nickname “The King of Terriers.”
Airedales are highly intelligent and combined with all that energy, they excel at agility and hunting. The Airedale is fun-loving and playful and will be happy to please his owners.
4. Goldendoodle

A cross between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever, this large dog inherited the Poodle’s shedding tendency or lack thereof. Shedding tends to go virtually unnoticed when it does occur.
Their coats can either be rather messy looking, loosely curled, or slightly smoothed over, but this depends on the cross. They are often described as shaggy teddy bears but
will need to be brushed regularly to keep bits of dirt and debris from collecting in the coat.
The Goldendoodle makes a great family dog, is intelligent, and loves daily walks as well as playtime.
5. Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a larger and more powerful version of the Standard Schnauzer. The breed was developed in the 17th century in Germany.
This breed doesn’t shed much hair but needs regular brushing. Keeping his head trimmed, especially around those pronounced eyebrows and beard, is important or his face can virtually disappear under a tangle of hair.
Originally bred as working dogs, they were primarily used to drive cattle from the farm to market and to protect the farm and family. Giant Schnauzers are very loyal, devoted, and protective of their owners and make great guard dogs. Even though the Giant Schnauzer is good-natured, he can be quite dominant.
6. Bouvier des Flandres

The Bouvier was originally bred to be a farm dog who helped with the herding of cattle originating in Flanders, Belgium.
Burly and barrel-chested, the tousle-coated Bouvier requires a lot of grooming, which can be time-intensive and expensive.
These smart and steady all-purpose workers make the perfect guard dog, who works hard on the farm and, with the proper training, is an excellent choice for both a service and assistance dog. The Bouvier is a very gentle and affectionate pup around humans and is great with children, but is wary of strangers and other dogs.
7. Barbet

Originating from France, the Barbet is a large dog that doesn’t shed much. This bear-like breed is a sports fanatic who loves nothing more than to goof around in the water.
The Barbets distinct feature is webbed feet, which help in the water but be warned, the mop of hair smells when it gets wet.
This gorgeous, gentle giant is fun to be around and makes a fabulous family dog. The Barbet is very intelligent and learns new things quickly. They also make excellent obedience partners and are, in general, quite willing to please.
8. Kerry Blue Terrier

Named for the Irish county of his birth, this breed was known as a general working dog used for a variety of jobs including herding cattle and sheep, and as a guard dog. However, it was originally bred to control vermin including rats, rabbits, badgers, foxes, otters, and hares.
The Kerry Blue Terrier is famous for its show-stopping soft, dense, and wavy, blue coat. The coat needs combing about twice a week, plus trimming and coat-shaping every month.
The Kerry Blue loves to run, chase, explore, play, and dig. The breed can be protective over its owners and may be aggressive toward other dogs and small animals, yet greets friends with great enthusiasm. This breed is clever and independent.
9. Standard Poodle
The Standard Poodle originated in Germany as a duck-hunting, water retrieval dog. It has been known throughout Western Europe for at least 400 years and is depicted in 15th-century paintings and bas-reliefs from the 1st century.
The well-known continental clip haircut style that most associate with the poodle has functional origins when hunting in freezing water. However, beneath the curly, low-allergen coat is an elegant athlete.
The Standard Poodle is normally lower energy and often calmer than the smaller varieties of Poodles, but does need exercise. He is sensitive to the tone of his owner’s voice and will also not respond well to harsh discipline. This breed is generally friendly toward strangers and is excellent with children.
10. Komondor

The Komondor, also known as the Hungarian sheepdog, is a large, white-colored breed of livestock guardian dog and is among the world’s most recognizable breeds.
The large hypoallergenic Komondor is a low shedding dog, that does not need brushing, but Komondors do require regular coat care to keep their cords clean and healthy. Although the Komondor dog does not shed much, he might occasionally lose one of his cords.
The independent and protective Komondor requires firm training. This breed is wary of strangers and highly protective. The Komondor serves as a dutiful guard dog and companion in his household.
11. Labradoodle

A Labradoodle is a crossbreed dog created by crossing the Labrador retriever and the Standard, Miniature, or Toy poodle.
Labradoodles can be a great choice for those with allergies, provided the poodle coat is inherited rather than the Labrador coat. They are not low-maintenance dogs when it comes to grooming and should be brushed at least every other day using a slicker brush, and trimmed every 8 to 12 weeks.
Labradoodles are intelligent, friendly, and affectionate. They have a moderate activity level and need a good walk or active playtime daily. The Labradoodle is sociable, friendly, nonaggressive, and extremely intuitive.
12. Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog originated from the Algarve region of Portugal and expanded all around Portugal’s coast. Known as the fisherman’s helper, this breed was taught to herd fish into fishermen’s nets, retrieve lost tackle or broken nets, and act as couriers from ship to ship, or ship to shore
The robust, medium-sized body is usually covered by a coat of tight, low-shedding curls. However, the Portuguese Waterdog has two kinds of the coat. One is compact curls, and the other is wavy with a slight sheen. These dogs have no undercoat and do not shed much at all.
This breed is eager and an athletic companion that is built for water. Smart and independent, the Portuguese Water Dog requires time outdoors and is offered a high level of physical activity given their working history. Although they are independent, they prefer being with their humans.
Final Thoughts
Just because you suffer from allergies doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice owning a dog. There are several breeds of large dogs that are considered hypoallergenic and will leave your clothes and furniture virtually hair-free.