How To Fix Bad Dog Breath

Dog Health Recent April 20, 2024
How To Fix Bad Dog Breath
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How To Fix Bad Dog Breath

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How To Fix Bad Dog Breath

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a wet dog kiss, you know that bad dog breath can be a real turn-off. But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a veterinarian to cure your pup’s smelly breath.

Dogs often get bad breath, whether it’s due to bad dental hygiene or something stuck in their teeth. Fortunately, there are many ways to fix your dog’s bad breath without heading to the vet for a full check-up.

In this article, we will discuss ways to fix your dog’s bad breath with 7 simple methods you can try at home.

Why Do Dogs Get Bad Breath?

Poor dental hygiene usually causes bad breath in dogs. Without regular teeth brushing, plaque and tartar can build up on your pup’s teeth. These accumulate food particles and bacteria, which then cause bad breath.

Sometimes this bacteria can even lead to infections in the gums and teeth, which can contribute to even worse breath. However, some breeds are more prone to periodontal disease, which can also contribute to bad breath.

7 Tips to Fix Bad Dog Breath

1. Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Brushing your dog’s teeth is important for maintaining oral health. The best way to brush your dog’s teeth is to use an enzymatic toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush designed specifically for dogs. It is best to use toothpaste specially formulated for dogs because regular human toothpaste may contain ingredients that can be harmful for your pup.

Start by introducing your dog to toothbrushes and toothpaste in a positive way. Allow him to lick the toothpaste off the brush and gradually build up to gentle brushing. Be sure to brush all areas of the teeth and gums, and reward your pup after brushing.

It is a good idea to brush your dog’s teeth at least three times a week to maintain good oral health. Not only will brushing your dog’s teeth help to improve their breath, but it will also help to prevent future dental-related issues.

2. Give Your Dog a Balanced Diet

Feed your dog healthy food and treats that are formulated to help keep their breath fresh. The best foods to give your dog fresh breath include foods that are high in fiber and protein.

This helps to remove plaque and tartar from their teeth and keep their gums healthy. Avoid foods with too many carbohydrates and fillers, as these can contribute to plaque buildup.

3. Offer Treats that are High in Omega-3.

Look for treats that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce bad breath. Omega-3 fatty acids provide numerous health benefits to your pup, including freshening their breath.

Omega -3’s  help reduce inflammation in the gum line, which can be the underlying cause of a smelly breath. They also help get rid of bacteria and plaque buildup on the teeth, which can also lead to bad breath. This means better oral hygiene and a much fresher breath.

Treats made with fresh ingredients such as fish, eggs, and even kelp are great sources of Omega-3. So, don’t be afraid to give your pup a few treats every so often to get rid of that stinky breath. You can also find several kinds of dog chew treats with omega 3 at your local pet store or online at Amazon or Chewy.

4. Give Your Dog Toys and Chews

Believe it or not, chew toys can actually be a helpful tool when it comes to fixing your dog’s bad breath. When dogs gnaw away at chew toys, it helps work some of the plaque and tartar off their teeth. As an added benefit, you don’t have to worry about your dog chewing up furniture or electronics if they have plenty of good chew toys.

Chewing on toys can help keep your dog’s breath fresh by working the muscles of their mouth, gums, and jaw. It also helps remove plaque and food debris from their teeth, reducing bacteria that cause bad breath.

Choose toys specifically designed for teeth cleaning or with a rough surface for gum massage. Including a healthy dental chew in your dog’s routine can make it seem like a bonus treat, keeping their teeth and gums clean and healthy. Chewing is a great way to keep your dog’s breath fresh and healthy.

5. Make Sure Your Dog is Drinking Enough Water

There are several simple things you can do to help freshen your dog’s breath. One of the easiest and most effective ways is to make sure your dog has access to plenty of water. Drinking water helps to remove bacteria and food particles from your dog’s teeth and gums, which in turn gives their breath a little help.

You can also purchase dental water additives that come in liquid form and can be easily added to your dog’s drinking water daily. These additives may help to kill bacteria in your dog’s mouth and fight plaque and tartar. You can find these water additives online at Amazon or Chewy.

6. Take Your Dog in For Regular Check-Ups and Cleanings

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe

It is a good idea to take your pup to your vet for a dental examination and cleaning at least once a year. During the examination, your vet will check for early signs of dental disease and clean off any tartar and plaque buildup.

Over time, a buildup of plaque can lead to inflammation of the gums, called gingivitis. If your dog has gingivitis, his gums maybe inflamed and bleed easily, which will also cause bad breath. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis.

7. Avoid Giving Your Dog Table Scraps

An easy way to deter smelly dog breath is to avoid giving them table scraps. Often, table scraps have a higher fat and sugar content, which can increase plaque formation and bacteria in your pup’s mouth. This can lead to bad breath and increase your dog’s oral health problems.

There are a few foods that you can give your dog that can help improve his bad breath. Parsley is a natural breath freshener that is safe for dogs to eat unless they are sensitive to it. Try adding it to your pup’s food in fresh form.

Raw carrots cut into small pieces or baby carrots are an all-natural treat that helps alleviate bad breath, and some dogs really like the crunch.

Final Thoughts

Bad doggie breath is usually temporary and can be caused by an increase in bacteria in the mouth and stomach. However, factors like diabetes and kidney disease can also increase bad breath. If bad breath persists after trying various remedies, it’s best to consult a veterinarian, as it could indicate a more serious health issue.

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Amy Towry is a Certified NAVC Pet Nutritionist and pet lover. She is the proud owner of two rescue cats and a rescue dog and her love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care, nutrition, and product reviews.
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