What Is Stud Tail In Dogs and How Do You Treat It?
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Also known as tail gland hyperplasia, oil glands near the base of your dog’s tail enlarge, causing a stud tail. These glands are located on the top side of the tail, a few centimeters from the top. Hair loss occurs when the hair follicles are compressed and the glands enlarge.
Additionally, they produce oil, which clogs hair follicles, makes fur oily, and makes skin scaly. The result may be inflammation or a secondary infection.
Causes of Stud Tail in Dogs
Dogs’ bodies are covered in sebaceous glands. Their skin and hair remain healthy and moisturized thanks to the oils produced by these glands. These glands occasionally exhibit overactivity, just like in humans. These glands are concentrated more heavily in the upper portion of the tail, or the tail base, which makes it a potential trouble spot.
Dogs’ tails have a densely populated glandular region, primarily made up of sebaceous glands. Dogs can accumulate oily secretions when they produce too much sebum or do not properly groom that area.
Dogs with stud tails may also have hormonal imbalances, testicular tumors, or seborrheic skin conditions. The development of folliculitis and furunculosis can result from secondary bacterial infections, which can happen in severe cases.
Symptoms of Stud Tail in Dogs
Stud tail might initially appear to be a minor issue or condition, but if you ignore it, it could worsen. The good news is that there are things you can do to help your pup. Once you know what to look for, it can be fairly simple to identify the signs of a stud tail.
Watch out for these common signs if you are worried that your dog might have a stud tail.
- Hair at the base of the tail that is sometimes matted and greasy
- There is a lack of hair near the tail’s base
- Skin at the base of the tail covered in blackheads (comedones)
- Dog may start barking, whining, or howling due to discomfort
- Waxy substance covering the dog’s inflamed tail.
- Redness, irritation, and skin infection at the base of the tail
- Itchy and swollen tail base
- A bad odor, especially when present in severely infected tails
- Dog continues to chew, bite, and lick the base of the tail
Make sure to start treatment as soon as possible if your dog experiences several of these symptoms at once. The condition will deteriorate more rapidly the longer it is left untreated. It is preferable to take action as soon as possible.
Diagnosing Stud Tail in Dogs

Your veterinarian may need to know your pup’s diet, medical history, and if you have given him any medication in order to make a diagnosis.
Again, a physical examination is an essential part of the diagnosis. The skin and coat will be carefully examined as part of the examination.
Your veterinarian might also ask for a cytological analysis, complete blood counts, urinalysis, blood analysis, and fecal evaluation. A biopsy may also be necessary to examine your dog’s skin for various infections.
X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasounds can also be employed as diagnostic tools. Different analyses are performed primarily to rule out other tail disorders.
How to Treat Stud Tail in Dogs
Your veterinarian may recommend one or several of the following treatment types:
Antibiotics and Medications
Your pup’s veterinarian might advise giving him oral antibiotics in the form of a pill or liquid to treat an infection. Some medications can also be applied directly to the area that needs treatment because they are available in topical form.
These drugs include the antibiotics ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin, cephalexin, doxycycline, and tetracycline.
Keep in mind that the dosage will still differ based on the stud tail infection’s severity and whether it is bacterial or fungal. Several of the bacterial species listed below can result in secondary infections in canines with supracaudal gland hyperplasia:
- E. coli
- Proteus
- Corynebacterium
- Streptococci
- Staphylococci
A corticosteroid injection is another kind of medication used to treat stud tail. This is used to lessen swelling and inflammation at the base of the tail.
Antibacterial shampoo is a crucial component of the treatment of both stud tail and pyoderma infections. Antiseborrheic shampoos with chlorhexidine or benzoyl peroxide are among the various types of shampoo. This should be used on the affected area at least twice a day.
Removal of the Gland
In severe cases of recurrent infection, the gland will be surgically removed. Although stud tail is not fatal, there are some severe cases where the violet gland needs to be surgically removed. This typically occurs when complications are brought on by a secondary infection. Responsible dog owners should therefore think about purchasing pet insurance that will pay for the procedure.
Home Remedies
In addition to veterinary care, over-the-counter medicines and DIY remedies can help your dog feel better if they have a stud tail infection.
Among them are aloe vera gel and coconut oil, which have potent anti-inflammatory properties.
However, consulting a veterinarian is strongly advised to reduce the possibility of introducing bacterial infections.
Caring for Your Recovering Dog
Stud tails are not always a serious issue, as we have already stated. However, if there are any secondary infections, it might get worse. Additionally, if treatments are postponed or ignored, the secondary infections may become severe and penetrate deep into the skin.
Pups should be well-cared for during the healing process by any responsible dog owner. Even though the recovery process might take longer in some cases, getting the right care is still required. If the right treatment is used, recovery will go very well.
Lastly, some cases require urgent treatment, specifically if the infection spreads to the blood. There could be fatal consequences if this is not handled right away.
How to Prevent Stud Tail in Dogs

Stud tail is difficult to prevent because it is caused by a number of different factors. To help ensure that your dog’s tail stays in good condition, there are a few steps you can take.
First off, regularly monitor your pup’s skin, fur, and tail for signs of irritation or infection. Consult a veterinarian right away if you notice any anomalies, such as hair loss, the sudden appearance of an oily or greasy substance, or the presence of an offensive odor.
Additionally, make sure your dog is free of flea and tick infestations. These parasites have the ability to aggravate a dog’s skin, resulting in swelling and itching. Your pup may eventually get a stud tail infection if the condition is not treated.
Tail gland hyperplasia can affect any dog, but male dogs are more susceptible because they typically produce more androgens than female dogs.
Have your dog spayed or neutered to help lower the likelihood that it will develop this skin condition.
Also, washing your dog’s tail with a gentle shampoo made specifically for dogs often helps with prevention. By doing this, you will help get rid of the debris, dirt, and other irritants that can lead to infections in dog tail wounds.
Final Thoughts
Even though stud tail is a relatively minor issue in comparison to other health issues that could affect your dog, you should not ignore it. Remember that your dog will be uncomfortable, as indicated by his likely bare tail. After receiving proper treatment for this minor condition, your dog will bounce right back.